Disclaimer: “Kaasen” is a registered trademark of Logical Technologies (UK) LLC and all references to the “Kaasen” trademark herein are for informational and comparative advertising purposes only. Spa Butler distributes SubZero local cryotherapy machine by America Cryo and is in no way associated with Logical Technologies (UK) LLC or Kaasen products.
SubZero by America Cryo is one of our most popular local cryotherapy machines amongst our customers here at The Spa Butler, and every week we explain the pros and cons of similar machines that use cryolipolysis technology. Increasingly, we’re fielding questions from med spa business owners about the difference between the SubZero and another targeted local cryotherapy machine with similar features called Kaasen by TruCryo. While we currently don’t offer the Kaasen to our clients, our medical team stays up to date with all of the latest technologies, and we are more than happy to help you understand the similarities and differences between the two.
For those of you weighing your local cryotherapy machine options, here are the main similarities and differences between Subzero and Kaasen.
What Are The Similarities between The SubZero and Kaasen?
The SubZero and Kaasen are competing products from separate manufactures with similar functions. The SubZero is manufactured in the USA while the Kaasen is manufactured in the UK, but both local cryotherapy machines use a dry, pressurized vapor therapy which provides rapid cooling of the skin and underlying soft tissues. Applied topically, both machines stimulate an optimal, local response from the body which aids in recovery by reducing pain, swelling and inflammation.
Unlike the traditional nitrogen-based local cryotherapy machines, the SubZero and Kaasen are unique in offering two forms of cryotherapy through cold massagers and nozzles which spray carbon dioxide (CO₂) under pressure. This cools the body to below 39°F and with the many nozzles available, the pressure of the spray is variable – from gentle to firm.
What are the SubZero and Kaasen benefits?
Unlike Whole Body Cryotherapy, which stimulates cold receptors all over the body in order to trigger an internal systemic anti-inflammatory response, local cryotherapy allows users to target a specific location and is much more powerful and efficient than traditional ice baths. Customers frequently combine this application with Whole Body Cryotherapy, to treat problem areas both from the “inside out” as well as from the “outside in”. With temperatures as low as -240°F, a local cryotherapy treatment or cryo slimming treatment generally takes about 5-10 minutes depending on the area treated, and the number of areas treated.
What’s the difference between a local cryotherapy treatment and cryo slimming treatment?
A local cryotherapy treatment provides the customer with a rush of oxygenated blood, a natural analgesic effect, and a reduction in muscle tension in the treatment area. Post treatment, the microcirculation in the treatment area provides muscles with increased rates of healing and recovery, and the natural analgesic effect and relaxation of muscles allows the customer to increase their exercise tolerance, as well as strengthen the muscles and joints to reduce the possibility of injury in the future.
A cryo slimming treatment causes apoptosis by freezing the fat through your skin. This means that the procedure is completely noninvasive and helps eliminate fat, reduce wrinkles, and tighten the skin. In other words, there is no need for anesthesia or cutting and you may be able to return to your normal activities right after having a cryo slimming treatment performed. The process by which your body eliminates the fat cells is a gradual one and therefore there is no change in your blood lipids and your liver function is not affected.
How much is a Kaasen machine compared to the Subzero?
Surprisingly enough there is a huge price disparity between the two local cryotherapy machines. The Kaasen price range is between $20,000 – $25,000 dollars depending on the supplier or vendor, while the SubZero price is a little under $10,000 dollars which is literally one third the cost of the Kaasen machine. Both companies – America Cryo and TruCryo offer training, marketing material, warranty, and customer support, but at the end of the day who doesn’t now a days?
SubZero and Kaasen Reviews
After looking at the similarities and differences of the SubZero and Kaasen machine, both local cryotherapy machines are extremely effective cryotherapy solutions for your sports recovery and aesthetic needs. The price gap between the two devices should be the determining factor on what machine to purchase, and that’s why we at The Spa Butler recommend the SubZero machine over the Kaasen. Save the additional money and utilize it for marketing, operating expenses, or shop for an additional med spa machine to add another service.
In conclusion, The Subzero and Kaasen allows you to treat multiple areas of the body safely and quickly, improving active skin conditions while preventing skin aging and reducing fat – all while maximizing your body’s own natural healing processes!